
Always remember believe a person’s actions not their words

Talk is useless if one’s actions don’t reflect their words. Words are meaningless without intent and follow through. People can be analyzed by their actions so that you will never be fooled by their words. It is always said, ‘action speaks louder than words’, so believe what you see and forget what you heard. Person’s actions will tell you everything you need to know. Actions prove who someone is; words prove who they want to be. The mirror of person’s heart is his/her action. Only words don’t work.

You can’t change someone’s behavior who doesn’t see an issue in their actions. It is universally known that ‘don’t talk, act; don’t say, show; don’t promise, prove’. In the end only thing left is regret if we do not act timely. Don’t be the part of that team whose leader only talk about the things but be a part of that team whose leader believes in doing the things and is energetic in making it happen. Moving out from that team/place where your efforts and positive actions are not respected and no enough supportive efforts are provided from the other side, can be the better option for an individual. They do not deserve you, you deserve better. Actions speak louder than words, one can regret/apologize over and over again, but if his/her actions don’t change than the words become meaningless.

Speaking or being in the right place at the right time is very much important. Figuring out the missed part and linking it together will help the puzzle of words to come together, but action is needed. When the words lose its action than it appears like, a series of lost chances, when all the pieces were there from beginning, but no one knew how to put them together. You may never know what results come from your actions, but if you do nothing than there will be no results. Irresponsible words come only from those people who have no qualms of using the innocent ones for their self-serving motives. No organization will flourish if the people working in are not truly empowered.   Words may show a person’s wit but actions show his/her meaning and potential. People listen to your words; notice your actions from the context of the story.

Lengthy conversations, diverted talks, unsure commitments and promises are of no worth unless it is fulfilled. Your worth is known by your integrity and conversion of your spoken words into actions. Each needs to understand that words you spoke and assurance you gave can help to build your trust with others or else they are just words and people may respect you in your presence just for if you have money/power but at the back you will be the point of giggles and entertainment. Respect comes with integrity and truthfulness towards your sharing. People may listen to you, but may not believe you if you repeat only the words in the form of lengthy talks and stories, you may be a good orator but it doesn’t mean you are given attention and taken seriously in your absence also. You are the one who can build your self-image or be a point of entertainment, build the whole team or scatter them apart with unending, pending, awaited results.

Time matters a lot. Development cannot be disassociated from action. Words need to be converted into action. Your words mean nothing when your actions are the complete opposite.  Words without action are like the heart without beat.

Versuasion India
