
Do woman love sensitive men

I think sensitive men are the best men…at least for me personally. I find it really attractive when a guy is open about his feelings and isn’t afraid to express them. I don’t know why I prefer men like this…but a question I ask myself even more is why do we still expect men to “act” like men. Its sick to me that guys feel the need to repress their senstive side just to conform to societal standards. I dont want a man who is built by society, I want a man who is free to be himself…who can cry and love without fearing any judgement. We are only human, it’s natural to feel things. I know it seems almost impossible for some guys to change…get more in touch with their emotions. Its almost installed in them that they HAVE to be this way. I wouldn’t mind dating a guy who has that wall up between them and their emotional side…but I would try my hardest to make them comfortable enough to cry, be sensitive, and express their feelings. I would try to help them break down that wall.

In seeking sensitivity from a partner, I think women want to be uniquely understood by someone who can read what they’re all about. They look for someone who places importance on understanding them. This may be because they have been cautioned in the past and have been made to feel neglected or misread, or because they are simply sensitive types who desire the same qualities in a partner.

It is important to note that in this case, being sensitive doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re the ultra-sappy, breaking-down-and-crying type. I think it means you have a strong ability to empathize, to be compassionate, to see psychological reasons behind actions, to help others find emotional fulfillment and live their truth. You have a sense for nuances, for changes in a person, for when action is needed from you, or when they ought to be left alone. This is the type of man that these women are perhaps looking for, and what they mean by “sensitive.”

A sensitive man can be equally “sensitive” to your needs, and also a very strong emotional anchor, but not a complete stone wall with no ability to feel things (the opposite of sensitive).

There is a difference between the sensitive type that is easily wounded/always hurt, and the sensitive type that can be easily wounded but overcomes these emotions with a real sense for how to deal, how to learn, and how to use these feelings for good, and be able to relate to a similar issue or occurrence in your life. That is a beautifully sensitive individual who should not be taken for granted, and one who could easily attract an equally perceptive woman.

However, a less intelligent woman will most likely value a hard and aggressive man. I believe both types of women enjoy both kinds however. Because they are both good indicators of a man. Sensitive because he is human and acting in contrast to type which is interesting, and aggressive because he is being like a man should be. A woman goes nuts mostly for a man who can be himself however, and understands why he is sensitive in some ways, and more like a typical male in others. A woman who is intelligent then, you see, can look past the fact that man is acting against type and see that man for who he is. A dumb woman must go for a sure obvious thing. The smart girl likes the bad boy too don’t get me wrong. And the dumb girl likes a sensitive guy…when she gets a little older. And more adventurous.

Team Versuasion – India
