
The benefits when we disconnect from social media

Most of us are glued to our phones day and night. We wake up and immediately check our notifications. Throughout our day, we unconsciously pick our phones up and mindlessly scroll through social media. Technology has made it so that everything we desire is readily available at our fingertips. Rarely do we take a moment to shut off our phones and enjoy the present.

The comparison game. When it comes to our mental health, constantly being on social media can cause feelings such as depression, loneliness, jealousy, anxiety, and overall dissatisfaction with life. When scrolling through our news feeds, we compare ourselves to others. We also create posts and obsess over how much engagement they receive.

Living in the present moment. Taking a social media break will allow you to live in the present moment and have meaningful interactions with others. Taking time away from technology gives you a chance to enjoy life.

Limits distractions. How much have you put off due to being glued to your screen? Unplugging from social media and technology provides you with the opportunity to do the things you’ve been neglecting.

Allows self-reflection. In order to feel more grounded and at peace, it’s important to check in with yourself regularly. Take some “me time” and reflect on where you are in life and how you’re feeling.

Improves sleep. A good night’s rest is crucial for both our mental and physical health. The blue light that emits from our devices can have a negative impact on our sleep because the light disrupts our melatonin levels.

Getting outdoors. Going outside and spending time in nature can be so good for our mental health. Whether it’s for 5 minutes or 30 minutes, use this time to connect with nature. While we’re aware of the benefits of unplugging from social media, it may not always be plausible. It could be that we just don’t know how to disconnect from our devices.

It Improves Self Esteem

If unplugging from social media isn’t part of your routine, it’s easy to get into comparison mode. We see everyone’s highlight reel. We can begin to feel like everyone else is having more fun and success than us without even knowing their full story. Unplugging and focusing on one’s self more is key.

It Reduces Loneliness

It can be easy to feel like we’re always surrounded by our friends and families when we are online. Once you log off of social media, we instantly feel lonely though. What we as humans crave is in person, human interaction. It’s important to unplug and spend time in person when we have the chance.

It Quiets Your Mind

When was the last time you just sat in silence? It’s natural for us to take our phones everywhere. We pay more attention to what’s going on in our online friends’ lives rather than everything happening around us. This constant consumption of social media can be overwhelming and in return, create more anxiety. Create some time to unplug from social media in silence, and see how it affects your anxiety levels.

Versuasion India
