
5 Ways for Men to be Attractive

How to be attractive. Not a simple question, but we do know that there’s more than good looks and a thick wallet to making someone want you. When it comes to being attractive there are things you can do even if genetics and your bank balance let you down.

Admit when you’re wrong

Forget big brown eyes, pecs to die for and an unwavering commitment to tantric sex, the ability to admit when you screwed up is by far your quickest passport to attractiveness. Why? Because so many of you refuse to do it. We spend our lives desperately trying to look worldly and clever and in control. We know everything, you can trust us, we’re your go-to guy – but isn’t it exhausting? Admitting you were wrong, or that you didn’t know about something, isn’t weakness; it’s courageous. You’re showing you’re willing to learn, that you’re thirsty for more. Boom. Hot.

Get your hair cut

Now this really is easy. Get yourself to a decent barbershop or salon and build a relationship with a good hairdresser. Get him or her to make notes about what you have done each time, and get it done as often as you can afford. Speaking from personal experience, if you’re not exactly going for gold in the looks department, a good haircut can rescue you. Try out faddish styles if you must, but know when to let them go. Also: acknowledge your dandruff or other scalp issues and try to fix them – they’re not going to go away by themselves. If you feel amazing, you’ll come across as attractive. It’s, like, science or whatever.

Don’t brag about money

Men who go on about their possessions and how much they earn, or have in the bank, may well be matinee idols on the surface, but the ugliness is to the bone. It actually comes across as massive insecurity rather than attractiveness. Perhaps there’ll be some women out there who’ll see you as a project and want to fix you up and make you smile again, or other women who’ll be only too happy to help you spend your millions – but they’re into you for the wrong reasons. It’s a hollow victory.

Be positive

It’s actually very important for your mental health that you air your grievances and talk through anything that’s bothering you. But surround yourself with too much negativity and it can be toxic, not only for your own well-being, but for anyone else around you. Seeing an upside to things, or recognizing what’s going wrong but thinking of ways you can change it, is much more attractive than wallowing. Nobody ever felt the animal urge to undo their top button and slip off their shoes because someone said “Poor me”.

Don’t substitute a gym membership for a personality

Look, I know there’s a big pressure to be buff these days. It’s crazy how bodies that were once only achievable by Hollywood stars are now strutting down every high street. A lot of men use going for it at the gym as a way to boost confidence, and that’s great, but remember there’s no point having a banging body if a) you’re spending too much time at the gym to be off having some actual fun with it and b) you decide that’s all you need and let your personality slide. Your beautiful body is the mere shop-window – it can get people to look, but if you want people to buy what you’re selling, you’re going to need the patter to back it up. Nobody’s going to want you just because you’re buff, sadly. It takes more.

Versuasion Pakistan – Fareeha Robert
