
5 Ways He or She is Using You

But why would someone do this? They may be frightened of being alone, of losing financial and romantic stability, or of breakup confrontation. Perhaps they may desire easy access to bedroom activities or may enjoy being in relationships for the sake of it. Unfortunately, this isn’t an uncommon occurrence in unhealthy or unbalanced relationships. Your partner may be using you, whether intentionally or unintentionally, causing you to continually feel like you’re getting the short end of the stick.

Here are 5 major signs that he or she is using you:

He or She Does Not Want to Get Personal

Getting personal is part and parcel of being in a relationship. You want to get as close as possible, both physically and mentally. So if your partner has no interest in doing that, he or she may be using you.

He or She has Issues Discussing Commitment

Someone who is using you isn’t really committed – or, at least, not in the right ways. It’s pretty evident that if a man won’t talk about commitment or a future together, then he’s not serious about you at all. His or her lack of communication may also indicate that he’s going to try and continue being with you for as long as he can – or, basically, using you.

He or She is Selfish

Selfishness is a terrible trait all around, but in relationships, it can be especially toxic. This trait is often the most definite sign that someone is using you; there’s just no way to look at this behavior in a positive light!

He or She are not affectionate

Affection plays a significant role in most relationships. Though levels of warmth vary between different couples, they will usually involve much more than none at all. A lack of affection often points to a lack of interest, meaning that the man in your life may be with you for reasons that aren’t purely romantic.

No Physical affection

He or she doesn’t hold your hand. He/she doesn’t want to hug or cuddle. You rarely ever kiss, if at all, even just on the cheek.

Team Versuasion Pakistan – Fareeha Robert
