
5 ways to become more humble

Humility is one of the most powerful and important attributes of growth, both in and out of the ring. Being humble helps to build trust and facilitates learning, which are key aspects of leadership and personal development.

5 Key Steps to Becoming More Humble

1. Build Confidence

Confidence is the key to living a full life. And yes, a humble person can still be confident. Remember, humbleness is not about only seeing your weaknesses, but it’s about recognizing your strengths, but not stopping there. It’s about using those assets to become bigger and better. There are many things you can do to build your confidence. Try some easy tricks such as dressing up each morning, even if you’re not planning on going anywhere. The thought of looking great has a profound effect on our confidence!

2. Ask Questions

Humble people know that asking questions doesn’t make you weak. If anything, asking questions makes you a stronger person, both mentally and physically. Show your coach your willingness to learn and make them see that you are really trying. When learning something new, it takes time for understanding to develop. Asking questions can help this process along.

Think back to your school years. What if you never asked questions then? Remember that you can only succeed if you seek the motivation to do so. If there’s something you don’t understand about your training plan, ask your coach to explain in another way or demonstrate. Being afraid to ask for guidance could limit you from achieving your goals.

3. Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

Anyone who has experience in leadership knows that your comfort zone is a safe place where nothing interesting ever happens.  No one’s going to believe you’re a boxer if you don’t step out of your comfort zone. Try something new now and again; you’ll thank yourself later. What’s on your bucket list? Skydiving? Travelling somewhere new? Meeting new people?

Many of these things are most likely out of your comfort zone, yet you still want to do them. Try something new every day.

4. Remember Your Goals

Why are you training? Remind yourself every morning why you’re doing what you do, and how you can achieve your goals. Doing so just might make you understand the importance of what you’re doing, help you meet your goals, and help you inspire others to pursue their passion.

5. Reflect on Your Behaviour

If you act unfavourably, it will reflect on your training, not to mention your lifestyle choices. Keeping a positive mindset can help you gain and maintain humility.

One of the most successful methods to reflect on your behaviour is by writing in a journal alongside your goals. Is your behaviour helping you reach those goals or leading you away from them? By documenting what went well and what didn’t during your training, you can learn from your actions.

Versuasion Pakistan – Fareeha Robert
