
Become the best version of self by accepting fear

The statement gets thrown around a lot when reading through confidence building blogs, but what does it mean? Becoming the best version of yourself means getting back to your quintessential self. As straightforward as that sounds, it’s anything but: Authentic self-discovery takes courage and tenacity.

To approach your essential self, you must turn away from distracting false beliefs that cloud or distort your self-perception. (If you’re feeling anxious about self-improvement, please remember; every person is completely unique. Someone else’s life path cannot be your benchmark of success, since they have different dreams, passions, and skills. There is also no roadmap or ideal outcome in life, because everyone’s path is theirs and theirs alone.)

Are you afraid of what you’ll find when you dig deep?

As easy and tempting it is to feel inadequate; the truth is that each of us is fully complete just as we are. It’s getting in touch with this essential self that will eventually free you from barriers, allowing you to become the best version of yourself. How do you become the best version of yourself? Once you’ve identified the person you want to be, you can plan how to become the best version of yourself

1. Let go of limiting beliefs You know who you are – but do you know who you could be?

Most of us are held back by limiting beliefs: untrue thoughts we have about ourselves. By learning to recognise and let go of whatever limiting beliefs are keeping you from becoming the best version of yourself, you’re able to push forward and find the person you really are.

2. Amplify your strengths

Focus on your strengths and you’ll get even stronger in those areas, becoming more fully yourself along the way. Focusing on your strengths is also essential when you hit roadblocks – which you inevitably will – we all do, its normal. When you amplify your strengths, you remember what you’re bringing to the table, and you’ll crush the obstacles in your path.

3. Develop a growth mindset

No one is made up of only strengths. We all have personal issues that require attention if you want to be the best version of yourself. Successful people tackle this by having a growth mindset (A growth mindset means you enjoy taking on new challenges. You’re willing to put in the work to gain new abilities or increase your intelligence.). They believe that there are no weaknesses. There are only opportunities for improvement. Rather than focusing on what they do badly, they focus on how they can improve – and take action to get there. 

5. Be willing to shed your old identity

When you are determined to find your ideal self, you’re essentially raising the bar – for yourself and the people you know. Your “old self” will resist this due to feelings of insecurity and fear of the unknown. Resist the urge to cling to the familiar – the identity that’s been holding you back – and embrace a new can-do attitude.
