
Beware of the manipulator

Being in a relationship with a manipulative partner is like being on a rollercoaster ride san the fun and thrill. Your partner’s inconsistent behavior, unpredictable moods and unreasonable demands may leave you confused and to some extent guilty. When you are with such a partner, you never know where you stand, and you will never have a clue what went wrong in the relationship if he or she happens to end it. Since love is blind, or as we believe it to be, it’s not easy to spot a manipulative partner when you are in a relationship. But his personality can speak volumes about what kind of a person he is. Let’s look at some personality traits that can help you detect a manipulative partner.

Fearful Victim

If a person has this flair to play a victim and suffers from an unreasonable fear of abandonment, he or she can easily manipulate you into doing things you would otherwise not do. Such people can make any excuse to stay close to a third person, which in this case is the partner, and create such situations that would leave the partner feeling exhausted and wanting for some personal space.

Not Having a Stable Relationship

It’s not uncommon to come across people who boast of being in multiple relationships, none of which are long-term or stable. And there will always be a sob story behind their break-up, which can move even the most unemotional person. Such people are too quick to fall in love and even quicker at getting out of it.

Not Being Sure What Life Holds

People who lack clarity of what they want in life have this tendency to mask their indecisiveness by their adventurous streak. They would often talk about the numerous positions they held, jobs they had, the unaccomplished goals and what not. Being with such people feels initially exciting because they know how to keep a person busy with their tales. They are mostly inconsistent at everything they do—the religions they had followed and unfollowed or the people they loved and left. But at the end of the day, being with such a person would leave you exhausted and confused because you never know when you will become a part of his or her past.

Extremely Moody

Being with a manipulative person is like sitting next to a pile of dynamite; you never know when it will blow. This is a classic trait of a manipulative person—he or she suffers from extreme emotions, for instance, a wailing kitten can make the person cry one day whereas, on some other day, the same kitten can make him or her angry. Dealing with such unpredictable mood swings can leave any person emotionally and mentally exhausted.

Lies Well

Do we even need to explain that a manipulative person is good at lying or making excuses? They know what to say and when, and if the need arises, they can change their words to make a person feel better. Just like their mood and behaviour, there will always be inconsistencies in their words.

Versuasion Pakistan – Fareeha Robert
