
Dating Advice for Women

Hell, now this is a really hard one since dating can be an issue warning situation or the most beautiful moment in your lifetime. It can go either ways. Thus be ready!

Few rules that every woman should be aware of when dating men:

Don’t be too quick

It’s very easy: Don’t go to his house J a man becomes very available to meet a woman he has no long-term intention with if the likely outcome is sex on the first or second date. If you’re not interested in quick sex and want to know his true intentions, I recommend you not ask directly. After all, he doesn’t know who you are and you don’t know who he is. It’s best to obey the first dating rule and not allow logistics.

Don’t be Neediness

Any time you alter your words or behavior to fit someone else’s needs rather than your own, which is needy. Any time you lie about your interests, hobbies, or background that is needy. Any time you pursue a goal to impress others rather than fulfill yourself, which is needy. Avoid it by all means!

Take Care of Yourself

No one can see your value as a person if you don’t value yourself first. And taking care of yourself, when done from a place of non-neediness, is what demonstrates that you value yourself. Now, there’s a fine line between taking care of yourself for the right and wrong reasons. You should take care of yourself because you genuinely want to be a healthy, intelligent, well-rounded individual for the sake of being a healthy, intelligent, well-rounded individual who values your own self-worth over what others think of you.

Have honest communication

There is a dizzying amount of dating advice out there and most of it, I’m sad to say, is bullshit. So much of it focuses on the “tactics” and “strategies” of attracting someone that it completely misses the whole point of the joy of meeting someone you connect with. Vulnerability, when done correctly, is actually a show of strength and power. Telling someone you like them and want to get to know them better doesn’t “give them all the power” unless you’re entirely invested in the way they respond to you.

Team Versuasion Pakistan – Fareeha Robert
