
Do not believe everything you read from the internet?

There’s just too much content today that it’s impossible to consume them all. Even if you spend 24 hours each day trying to read, listen, or watch everything it is impossible. Not nearly impossible, but impossible.

But the problem goes beyond the quantity of content. It’s the quality of these content that makes it a big issue, especially in the world of business. And I’m not just talking about low quality content —you know, those poorly written, paraphrased, or worse an exact copy-pasted version of another content. It’s easy to create a website and start posting about business, interviewing, retirement plans, digital marketing, and many more. The only way to avoid getting duped is to remain vigilant. Apply discretion. And test them out yourself, instead of blindly accepting them as truths.

The first thing you must accept is that you don’t know everything. And that’s a good thing. We all benefit from gaining more knowledge to improve our lives. And that’s where “experts” come in. They have spent most of their lives doing what they do. Perhaps even achieve greater results than most people do. But the main problem is that their circumstances are 99.99% different than yours. So, whatever strategies and tactics they used to reach their success will most likely not work for you. You also must understand that it’s easy to claim something and make a lot of people believe in it simply because it’s something they want to hear. In short— bad advice. Or advice that’s not grounded on reality.

Most people who go on the internet believe these “experts” blindly to the point that they seem like a follower of a cult. The next best thing you can do is apply the concepts and test it out yourself. But do it on a small scale first. That way, you reduce the risk to yourself and your brand especially if the advice or method or tactic was way off. So, if I blindly accept what they teach on their webinars, trainings, websites, and social media accounts, I could potentially lose any previous success I’ve had or completely wasted my time implementing them.
