
I will provide with 5 good reasons on why we as citizens of the world should care about global warming.

Sea level Rise

A warmer climate will cause ice caps on mountains, Greenland, and Antarctica to melt, putting additional water into the oceans. Sea level is expected to rise five inches during the next 20 years, flooding coastal cities such as New York, Washington, Miami, Houston and others worldwide at storm surge.

Farming and Food

There is no better predictor of where crops grow than climate.  When climate changes so will the distribution of agricultural activity and productivity. One recent study suggests an annual decline of 2-4% in crop productivity in the United States as a result of anticipated changes in climate, returning us to the crop yields of 40 years ago. Expect to pay more for bread, cereal and beef as climate change unfolds.

Health and Disease

Similarly, there is no better predictor of the occurrence and virulence of insect-borne diseases than climate—especially temperature and precipitation. Expect a greater occurrence of dengue, Zika, and other mosquito-borne diseases in the Southeast. Expect an expansion in the occurrence of tick-borne disease, such as Lyme disease, in the Northeast.  And if you are allergic to poison ivy, note that it grows faster and with more virulence at high CO2.

Drought and Forest Fires

Warmer temperatures cause greater amounts of evaporation, drying out the land surface.  Expect a greater occurrence of forest fires and rising expenses to fight them in a hotter, drier climate of the future. This trend is also likely to increase the price of forest products and housing.


If you are a hunter (or a bird-watcher), look to lower populations of game species as climate change reduces favorable habitats, on top of the unrelenting pressure that land development puts on nature.  Hunters, if you are worried that environmentalists are amongst those who want to outlaw firearms, remember that without decent habitat, there will be nothing to shoot at.

Business and Profits

If you are in the business of producing maple syrup, fishing for lobster, running a ski area, or producing wine (and perhaps a host of other businesses), look to the oncoming changes in climate to reduce your yield and perhaps change the regions in which you can function to other regions where you are not now located.

Versuasion Pakistan – Fareeha Robert
