
Do You Know Who You Are?

While some people have a strong sense of who they are, others may be left feeling that they don’t really understand their true selves. Feeling unsure of yourself can sometimes lead to a shifting sense of identity.

Shaped by Experiences

Identity is shaped by the experiences people have during their lives, particularly during childhood and adolescence. Kids who are raised in a supportive environment receive the care, support, and encouragement that they need in order to develop a healthy sense of self.

Children raised in less supportive environments where they encounter neglect, abuse, or over-parenting, on the other hand, may struggle to forge their own strong identities.

Factors that Affect Identity

  • Society: Societal influences and expectations can play an important part in identity. Culture, media, religions, gender roles, and other factors that are part of a society can affect how you feel about who you are. You might also feel challenges when aspects of your identity don’t align with the expectations of the society in which you live.
  • Your family: It is your caregivers and family members who play some of the earliest roles in the formation of your identity. Throughout life, the various roles you play in your family can affect how you see yourself. And the nature of your relationships with your loved ones can also have an effect on whether you feel a strong or weak sense of self.

Learn More About Yourself

If you feel like you don’t know who you are, it can be helpful to spend some time getting to know yourself better.  One way you can do this is to start thinking about the things that you like and that are important to you.

What are your favorite books? What type of music do you like? When did you feel the happiest? As you work on your journal, you may start to see certain themes or preferences beginning to emerge. Reflecting back on these lists and notes can help you better see and appreciate your individuality.

What You Value

Knowing your central values can play a big part in helping you figure out who you are. What beliefs and values are the most important to you? These are the key traits that you feel are the most important in both yourself and in others.

Spend Time Alone

While solitude is sometimes mistaken for loneliness, spending time on your own can have important mental health benefits. Social pressure can sometimes make it difficult to get a sense of what is important to you, particularly if you are surrounded by people with strong personalities.

Taking some time to yourself can give you a chance to reflect, explore, and experiment with new ideas and feelings.

Challenge Yourself

Trying new things can be another helpful self-exploration tool. Sometimes figuring out who you are involves testing out new aspects of your identity.  Think about how teens often experiment with different styles as they forge their sense of self. While people often think such journeys of self-discovery are confined to adolescence, such exploration is something that can be helpful throughout life.

Versuade Pakistan – Fareeha Robert
