
Having Standards are Important

Ever thought about why things in your life go in the direction that it does? It is because of one very important word. Standards. Many of us do not possess any and we always end up with the short end of the stick. Now standards are important for all aspects in life. Career, appearance, friends, partners, our home life, the way we raise our children and beyond. We must have standards or else you will accept anything that life or people throw at you.

To begin learning about your personal standards you must understand yourself at the stage of life that you’re in right now. I say right now because we are constantly evolving (Or at least you should be, and yes that is one of my standards.) You see, everyone of us deal with life situations according to our personal standards. For example one person may really enjoy being a certain weight whether if it is slim and trim or with a little extra meat. Who is anyone to judge?

You have to make decisions based on what is best for you and, what makes you the most happy. We cannot be afraid to have standards due to what others may think about us because then you would always try to live up to someone else’s standards and believe me that is a stressful task! If you desire a certain life, income, partner, or whatever you value in this life you must raise your standards to achieve the successes you want. You cannot live a life of fabulousness if your standards are mediocre.

Listen, I also understand that self-esteem and worthiness plays a role as to why most people (in particular women) feel as if they are not good enough to have what they may consider high standards so they accept just whatever is handed to them. BIG MISTAKE. That mind set only leaves you depressed, lonely and dissatisfied with life. If you’re not feeling 100% confident you can start off by taking small steps to build up your personal standards.

Standards will increase respect others have for you and they will not feel as though they can take advantage of you or treat you in any old kind of manner. People only do what they can get away with and once you start gradually raising your standards it will become noticeable. Some will appreciate it. Some will not. At the end of the day that is not any of your concern.

Versuade Pakistan – Fareeha Robert
