
Learning from Mistakes

On the surface, some mistakes might seem like the end of the world, however, below the surface they present you with the perfect opportunity to learn, to grow and to improve yourself.

Think Back in Time

Think back to all the mistakes you made in life and consider how they have strengthened your character and ability. Consider the plethora of skills that your mistakes have taught you, and also how they have shaped your knowledge, personality, your social development and your life experience.

Mistakes Should Be Valued

Mistakes are valuable. However, for them to be of value, you must first see them as a beneficial and critical part of your life that you cannot avoid and must instead embrace with an open heart and open mind. Who knows, your biggest mistakes could end up turning into your most glorious victories, as long as you are open to learning and growing from the experience.

Response to Mistakes

Often when mistakes are made, there is always a tendency to dwell upon them, to regret them, or to loathe them. This is how many people instinctively respond to mistakes, however, this shouldn’t be how you respond to mistakes.

Habit of Dwelling

This habit of dwelling pessimistically upon mistakes often stems back to your childhood when you were incorrectly taught to avoid making mistakes, or when you did make them your parents or guardians would most likely treat mistakes as a negative and unwanted part of life. Of course, your experience might have been different, however in all likelihood mistakes weren’t viewed as a positive and beneficial part of growing up.

Mistakes as Opportunities

Stop viewing mistakes as something that’s negative and hurtful. Instead, begin viewing mistakes as opportunities to reevaluate the path you are taking towards your goals. Mistakes present opportunities to analyze your decisions. Sometimes the decision you make might be out of line with the goals you want to achieve. A mistake will alert you to the fact that you are on the wrong path. Therefore use it to redirect yourself back onto the right path. However, most importantly you must be ready to learn from the situation in order to improve your choices, decisions, and actions in the future.

Versuasion Pakistan – Fareeha Robert
