
More Friends More Problems

When you’re friends with a lot of people, there’s a lot of emotions involved. You’ll have people coming to you regularly with their problems and might find yourself never away from your phone.

It’s draining, it’s time-consuming and good luck to you if two people need you at the same time. You’ll be left in a tough situation, deciding who needs you more. Is it the friend whose parent just died or the friend going through a divorce? Either way, you’ll feel guilty for not being there.

Alongside this, it’s vital to protect yourself by carving out alone time. It might be as simple as putting your phone on airplane mode.

It’s more to do with quality then quantity!

Types of Support from Friendship

Friendships give four types of support — emotional, tangible, informational and companionate.

Emotional support does what it says on the tin. It’s helping you out with how you feel and making sure you someone to rely on when the world feels dark. If you have a mate who helps out painting the kitchen or giving you or lend of money, they’re providing tangible support.

The Lesser the Better

Realistically, any good friendship should cover most of the areas. This means that if you have a ton of people providing support in different areas, you might feel yourself getting spread thin as you reciprocate that support to everyone. However, by having a couple of close friends who you can rely on for anything, your life will be less hectic, your phone battery won’t hate you and most importantly, you’ll know you always have someone to turn to.

Work on Strengthening Existing Bonds

At the end of the day, it’s great to know a lot of people and trusted acquaintances are vital. Just because you get on with someone doesn’t mean you have to be friends.

If you do want to cut down on your overall friendships and work on developing closer bonds with a couple of the people in your life, it might be easier than it sounds. Not every friendship is a one-in-a-million connection that you’ll want to keep for life. Take a step back, give yourself a break and who your true friends are will stand out by a mile.Versuasion Team Pakistan – Fareeha Robert
