
Why is fatherhood so important to young ladies?

In a world where female empowerment revolves around denouncing masculinity, we tend to overlook the crucial role men play in society and fail to recognize how much a young girl needs a strong father. A girl needs a strong guiding force, a father who shapes her young mind and helps her attain a life of stability, acceptance, and genuine love. Her sense of worth is rooted in him.

We are regularly fed false information on the toxicity of masculinity and how threatening it is to women and their success. We’ve been conditioned to question the impact of a man in our life and fail to realize how our father’s behavior strongly impacts our development and well-being. It’s no coincidence that since society has abandoned traditional values and roles, we have seen an outpouring of self-love campaigns. It’s not because women are now more empowered, but rather their self-love and self-worth are diminishing.

His Devotion Sets Us Up for Success

Fathers are typically the disciplinarians. He sets the boundaries and rules we need to face the demands of the real world. We must be capable of making mature, sensible decisions, and through his love, his boundaries help us do just that. They provide us a sense of order, hold us accountable for our own decisions, tame our natural impulses, and teach us cooperation. While his boundaries are valuable, there is much more to a father’s role.

We assume girls idolize and emulate their mothers. It’s from her that we learn the tricks of the trade, but it’s our father’s presence that our prosperity is dependent upon. It’s not just his physical presence that leaves an impact, but most importantly, the mental and emotional devotion he presents to us.

His Approval Affects Our Self-Esteem

From a young age, women naturally seek approval and acknowledgment from men. When we receive approval from our father, we gain a sense of confidence in ourselves, our abilities, and in our decisions. Experiencing this often will greatly deepen our self-esteem. Trusting ourselves to make decisions will open up opportunities to make more decisions that bring us success.

His Affection Determines Our Modesty

Women crave affection. Our sense of security relies on it. A lack of touch signifies we’re not accepted or cared for, or we are doing something wrong. Promiscuity typically stems from a lack of affection at home. Our father, being the first man we encounter, is the subconscious force that makes us determine how we portray ourselves to the world.

Our father’s affection shows us that he recognizes, appreciates, and approves of us. If we truly see value in ourselves, we won’t resort to promiscuity to obtain love and affection. Our attitude, behavior, and physical appearance will reflect our confidence and self-worth. A girl will not need to expose her body to gain the attention and affection she craves since men will be drawn to her for the value she sees in herself.

He Teaches Us Not to Settle

People say we tend to pick our future partner to resemble our parents. So when our father shows support, respect, forgiveness, and love, we won’t settle for less. Certainly, we are observant and capable enough to recognize the faults in our father and not allow them to impair our relationships. However, it’s still our father’s actions that teach us right from wrong, and we may be forced to learn the hard way.

While it’s absolutely possible to flourish as a woman without a father, there’s no doubt that the struggles and obstacles these girls face will be immense and may stick with them forever. Despite what we are told, we wouldn’t have strong women if it weren’t for strong men.

Versuasion Pakistan – Fareeha Robert
