
Yes, we grew up religious but is there really a GOD

The existence of God is a question that has been debated by philosophers, theologians, and individuals for centuries. It is ultimately a deeply personal and subjective matter, and people hold various beliefs and perspectives on the topic.

Some argue for the existence of God based on philosophical or logical reasoning, such as the cosmological argument, teleological argument, or moral argument. These arguments propose that the existence of the universe, its order and complexity, or the existence of moral values and duties imply the existence of a divine being.

Others find belief in God through personal experiences, faith, or religious teachings. For many, religious beliefs provide a framework for understanding the world, finding meaning and purpose in life, and experiencing a connection with something greater than themselves.

On the other hand, there are those who take an atheistic or agnostic stance, asserting that there is no evidence or compelling reason to believe in the existence of a higher power or deity.

Ultimately, the question of God’s existence is a matter of personal conviction and exploration. It’s important to engage in thoughtful reflection, examine different perspectives, and consider evidence and arguments from various sources. It may also be helpful to have open conversations with others who hold different viewpoints to gain insights and broaden your understanding.

The Bible never tries to argue for God’s existence—it assumes it. God’s existence is such a self-evident fact that even when the Bible says, “The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God,’” it is not speaking of atheists as such (King David would not have come into contact with anything like a modern atheist), but of corrupt people who ignore God’s existence as if he will not judge them (Psalm 14:1, 53:1).

God is personal, not an impersonal force, and he is relational. From the very first verse of Scripture, God is active. We can see his power from the effortlessness of his creation—he speaks, and what he commands comes into existence. From the first moment that other relational beings are brought into existence—the first humans, Adam and Eve—God is in relationship with them. This also excludes any ideas of a deistic creator who made the world but now is uninterested and uninvolved.

The universe runs on physical laws that are reducible to mathematical formulas. But why should the universe be constructed in such a way if it is the result of a big bang? So many things about the earth and universe seem to be fine-tuned, such as the earth being the perfect distance from the sun for life to thrive. To use an old comparison, we would not expect a tornado running through a junkyard to randomly assemble a Boeing 747 from junk parts, but the junkyard at least has the advantage of having preexisting matter! Rather, the universe seems to be delicately tuned by a master Engineer.

Versuasion Pakistan – Fareeha Robert
