
Being kind has positive effects on health

Kindness is a great support in human relationships. We know that these are lived with different degrees of commitment and, when we get involved, we can go through a wide variety, both deep and superficial relations. Whatever the shades of our social engagements, being kind should be a constant.

One is not always and forever a kind person. Its richness and value are in the present and generates a pleasant sensation, especially for the recipient of its benefits. If the person who was cordial registers it as such, the benefits will also reach him or her! I’m sure it is! If this practice is allowed on a daily basis, the mnemic traces that are stamped with the experiential repetition will be outlining its healthy consequences for some and for others.

We know that in the emotional development of childhood, although egocentrism is one of its main characteristics, it will be displaced through the socializing practices of the educational culture. But in addition to learning to know and to do, it is necessary to orient human development towards learning to be. One can make excellent mathematical calculations, learn to play instruments, cook the best flavors, in short, achieve the best results in knowing and doing, but excellence, the true excellence, is the one that never dispenses with cordiality.

Let’s see an example

A physician may tell us “Good morning, come in, sit down, you say.” And it’s all good. With the distance and a certain coldness that all role hygiene indicates, it’s all good. But… How I love the buts that weaken certain assurances! Because of the qualitative differences: “Good morning, how are you, how are you, come in, sit down, please and tell me what brings you here!”

Words are always accompanied by body attitudes, voice tones, gestures. Mobile kindness enclosures. We may over-abound or withhold information, but when cordiality is present, it may be enough.

With kindness, we are giving a little more and also receiving those “extras” that everyone knows they need. And while it may not bring us closer to the exact center of health, it does take us away from more unhealthy grounds.

Inspiring kindness

It has to do with good treatment. A cordial gesture, a timely greeting, the complicity in a tear or smile, they recycle energy and contribute to the longed-for horizontality in the satisfaction of the basic needs of affection.

Treating each other well, even those who occasionally cross our path, should be a protocol rule that is universalized. Although it is difficult for it to acquire the category of constant, its occasional, universalized practice can cause a multiplying effect with excellent benefits for physical and emotional health. The human world needs it.

Ambitious idea, but confidently shared!

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Translator Jimena Freytes

Jimena y Eva