
Closing Cycles: the Art of Making Way for New Beginnings

Have you ever felt that certain stages of your life need an end point? Especially when the last month of the year begins, you start to feel and think about what people, situations, or experiences you would like to be left behind in the year that is saying goodbye forever.

Closing cycles has the same flavor of the last chapter of a book that has kept you excited and reflective, but now it’s time to turn the page, the last page, and start another journey.

When I speak of cycles, I am referring to a friendship that no longer flows, that no longer fills the heart with well-being, but quite the opposite. A friendship that has lost the deepest sense of that complicity that sustained it.

I am also talking about a love relationship that has run out of steam, that has given its last few strokes to stay afloat, but that is destined to be shipwrecked, and we don’t want it to drag us down with it. Or maybe a job that no longer awakens that spark of excitement and does not motivate you to get up every morning to give the best of you. In short, you can give any title you like to that cycle that you want and need to end.

What does it mean to close a cycle?

Closing a cycle is not just about ending something, but about reflecting on what that experience has taught you. What did you learn? Every chapter of life, even the most difficult ones, has valuable lessons. Acknowledging what you have learned is like storing up treasure for your future challenges. Otherwise, the pain will have been in vain.

Think also about what didn’t hurt. Sometimes the end of a cycle comes with an air of triumph, and that’s fine. Not everything has to be sadness. Maybe that cycle ends with your best smile and your desire to shuffle and give again.

I think the most exciting part of this process is what you’ll put into practice next time. Imagine closing a book and opening a new one. What changes do you want to see in your next story? Perhaps you learned to set clearer boundaries, value your time more, or pursue more genuine relationships. It’s time to apply those lessons to your new stage.

The closing of a cycle is not the end of the road; it is the beginning of another. It is to make room in your heart and in your life for new people, new challenges, and new experiences. It is to welcome the unknown with hope and enthusiasm, knowing that each closure is the seed of a new beginning.

I invite you to close your cycles healthily and, above all, being kind to yourself. Be grateful that you have the opportunity to write new pages. Take time to reflect, give thanks and remember what you have learned. That is what life is all about, renewing cycles by putting into practice everything that the books we choose to close have taught us.

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Translator Jimena Freytes

Jimena y Eva