
Two Phrases that will Change your Life

Do you feel in trouble and don’t know which path to take? It has happened to all of us to reach a point where we do not know what to do. We make mistakes, we get frustrated and inertia takes over, and we become immobile, unable to re-act in the face of adversity.

That is why on this occasion I want to share two phrases from two greats that can give us that little push we need to try one more time…

If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.

Milton Berle

This quote is from the famous American actor and humorist Milton Berle. I believe that opportunities don’t always look for you, they find you and knock on your door. Opportunities do not go through life looking for people and touch them with a magic wand, but quite the opposite.

We have to generate opportunities if we want to get out of where we are. If we sit and wait for favorable situations to come out of nowhere, we will spend our lives watching how others build their roads.

The proposal is to be active, in movement and with all our senses alert to be able to detect when an opportunity is approaching us. Let’s build that door and let that opportunity we have been longing for enter.

Don’t wait. The time will never be just right.

Napoleon Hill

Hill was one of the most prestigious self-improvement writers that self-help literature has known throughout its history. I chose this phrase because I have spent a long time waiting for the right time for everything, and in the end I realized that I had wasted many years of my life waiting and not acting or taking action.

Our condition as human beings leads us to think that we always lack something, that we never meet all the requirements to undertake a project of any kind. And that feeling of lack settles and brings us insecurity and doubts take its place of privilege, and we remain in an attempt that never was.

Now is the right time to do what you were planning to do, trust in your capacity for action, resolution, and success. If all the conditions are not in place, then generate them yourself, create the right situations to move forward and get back on track.

If you fail, it is because you are at least trying; mistakes are made because you are doing things. If you get results (whatever they are), it is because you decided to act and generate them.

Don’t waste another day waiting for opportunities to find you, don’t waste another day waiting for the perfect moment to present itself. Get to work and don’t let yourself waste a day waiting.

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Translator Jimena Freytes

Jimena y Eva